Monday 27 December 2010

my first blog (except for the test one)

This is my profile picture and I thought I should explain why, where, and when?

  • Why?
Well, thats simple, its Steven Kings latest novel and I simply love reading Stephen King. I find he is a brilliant story teller, with situations and characters that pull you right into the story. He is without a doubt one of my favorite writers.
  • Where? 
Lanzarote in the canary islands. I had a vacation there with my family this November, and yes it was 25c in the shade. We landed back in the UK to 4c, its now dropped to as low as 15c just the other night. It's hard to believe just over one month ago I was sun bathing.
  • When? 
I think I just kind of answered that, but with the risk of repeating my self we left on November the fourteenth arriving back on the twenty-first just seven days later, not enough time by far, I could have stayed one more week easy.
So thats the picture explained.
Now I have many a dilemma in my day to day life and I might just use this blog as a way of, lets say working them out. For instance van dyke or no van dyke is my current dilemma. This December I started to grow a van dyke, now you might think 'well thats great you go for it enjoy your van dyke' but and I mean BUT because this do's not just involve me. I think I will leave this there today not to be spiteful but just to give me something to say tomorrow I might even include a picture of the thing as well.

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