Saturday 23 April 2011

Relationships and the Facebook, Twitter revolution

In my recent post Life Under Construction I talked about how life is never really finished building. Recent events in the lives of people I now illustrate that very well. The modern world with the communication tools we have today is great. (come on this is how I speak to you now) The internet and mobile technology has sent most of the world into communication overload. Where as only twenty years ago you would have only talked to an old school friend at the twentieth school reunion, Facebook and Twitter make this a daily occurrence for most people today.

There is a down side to all this, you may gasp in surprise. What with all this tech, how could there be a down side?
As always its relationships, boyfriends, girlfriends, man and wife maybe mother and son. These are relationships that have grown from a time before the Facebook, Twitter revolution. From a time before there was this option. A saying my mother still says to this day is "the grass is always greener on the other side" She would say this a lot when I was a kid growing up, looking at other kids wanting what they had, I have grown up to be a reasonably stable person and under stand that the desirer is fleeting, once a goal is achieved we all move on to the next. Knowing this makes me think a bit more carefully before picking my next projects.

What has this to do with Facebook and Twitter?

I have seen things happen and normally Facebook or Twitter are involved for instance I have seen two marriages and a son and mother relationship fall apart because of one social network or another. Whether right or wrong these people found a new solution to there relationship problems through these mediums. Reaching out, connecting with people they would not normally discuss such maters with. (hay lets be honest dose it not cross your mind that maybe if people spoke to each other about there problems there might be more blank spaces on Facebook). Life is about stages we move through them as we grow. Childhood and the 'good old school days' are really meant to stay there, in the past. Not to be revisited every day, scratching at old sparks that never grew to be a flame (There is normally a reason why they stayed as sparks in the first place). We move from school days to collage days to marriage and then to have children of our own.
Its the marriage stage thats hard, especially when the children come along. If you can hold on, the next stage should be the best of all. Its this stage when the children have gone on there journey that truly is for you and your partner. All the learning is finished, all the passing of experience to the next generation is done. this is when life is built and you are just applying the finishing touches to the decor.

Finally I believe if you can hold on to the one who came with you on most of this construction project we call life, then this stage is all the better for there presence. After all no one knows me like my wife.

Please Please comment, good or bad I really don't mind.

Saturday 9 April 2011

Life Under Construction

I walked past a construction site the other day, I couldn't help but observed the layout that had been laid for the road system and plots of land for new houses. There were raised kerbs showing the path of the road, like, well, a road map. 
I used to work on construction sites and was always amazed at how organised these places are.  The sign at the entrance to the site had Under Construction written on it. As I walked home the similarities between this sign and life began to grow on me. 
We all live our life in with a curtain amount of planning, weather it be a parent or a older brother or sister. who help us plan, laying down our kerbs before applying the multi layers we call experience. 
At the end of this thought process I finish with a slightly changed sign post wrote upon it which is Life under Construction. 
We are pushed and prodded to make our path. Eventually we take it upon ourselves to do the pushing. Building upon each layer rising into a small semi detached or if we are lucky layering until a great tall skyscraper dominating the skyline. Eventually with our layering finished we make new little bricks and become the pusher and prodder to these bricks until they start to lay there on kerbs. 
So next time you see a new road or housing development think about the road your on in your life and how you got there. May be a side street is due. or it could be a highway is on the cards. Ether way, what ever road you are on just make sure its your road and what ever you do don't forget how you got there and who were your pushers and prodders. 

I apologise for taking the metaphor to maybe a new level. please leave a comment or email me. 

Monday 4 April 2011

Lets try again

Well hi, I know its been a while since i gave you the pleasure of my words.

The total number of days between my last blog on January 20th and today is 74 days.
This is exactly 2 months and 15 days.

Makes me wonder why, you know why have I not found time to write a few words.
Excusers: I have plenty of them. busy at work, computer hogged up by children or family ties or taxi service as i call it. Writers block an invasion of hairy monkeys intent on using me as a pawn in there rise to superiority. (wouldn't that be more fun than real life).
I will be honest now, in my Blog How do my characters right my book? I told you about my current novel. Well I have finished the first draft. and now have set it aside for a while before beginning the first edit.

Also I have been very busy at work. (thats the day job) I do also have problems getting to my desktop computer because the kids are loving the Imac right now. Solution was to get myself a new more portable computer, such a machine as to let me travel round doing my writing as and when the urge took me. I am a very happy chappy I say one word AIR.
not sure what I mean think slim, think aluminium, think apple yep you've got it a Macbook Air; and its all mine, passworded with only one login name. Just me, my stories and not forgetting ACDC.

I will be telling more on the Macbook Air the more I use it, also i will be placing a post on at least one a week from now on. As for topic something I came across on a web site 'Under construction' this will be the title of the next post.

thank you for reading this far i have been told that the attention span of a blog surfer is limited to three chapters. I don't believe this myself i think if you can read and write then you can manage more than three.

Please leave a comment its nice to know someone is reading

Thursday 20 January 2011

Evolution Or Intelligent Design

Evolution or intelligent design which? 
As I approach my thirty-ninth year, my mind is constantly drawn towards the hereafter or the afterlife. I am approaching the middle of my life this leaves me or gives me a question. 

Should I be thinking of the end of my life only half way through? I think not. 
But I also think it is probably a common thing, as we approach half way through our lives and we start to think we may have less years ahead than what are behind us and we feel that we may have not achieved anything we really wanted to do. Then we reach this midlife and it dawns that we have less time in front, have we done what we wanted to do, then it dawns, have we done what we wanted to do with the time we have had? So this brings the question will I have another chance? Will I get another go? Will it be possible for me to do this again and maybe achieve the goals that I wanted to achieve in this life? 
Thus Evolution verse Intelligent Design. Evolution tells us that we evolved over millions of years, ranging from primates, marsupials, mammals of all kinds, basically all starting from a point in time about 4.54 billion years ago where the conditions for the creation of this planet we fondly call Earth. Life started around 4 billion years ago, it is said that because of the many hits by asteroids that the process was started over and over again but 4 billion is the accepted figure.  There is two possible starts to this one from outer space and the other from right here on planet Earth nevertheless both make similar mechanisms for life to begin. Now all this is proven to a degree, it has evidence, it has highly educated people saying that this is the way it all started. 
Where Intelligent Design can be tracked back just a few thousand years, I know people who are very much involved in Intelligent Design wether they believe it or not. In my opinion all aspects of anything to do with the supernatural wether it is spiritualism, religion or any of the fringes or fractions of faith. They all involve from some form of Intelligent Design. They all have some degree of belief that there is some higher power at work, it could be a god or just an unseen force at work. By implication this means some sort of Intelligence's having a hand in the creation of things as we know it. Rather than just random events evolving, learning and evolving. 
This led me to a year of research, I spent many months looking into spiritualism as people i know are heavily involved. I spent my time going to meetings and churches seeing people who are regarded as an authority in the supernatural, such as ghosts and spirit. As far as the meeting I attended, well I did have some experiences that would be classified as being supernatural. I have sat in a room with many people in a circle, I had a feeling you would get when coming in to land at an airport. That pressure on your face and eyes. Well, its like that, the whole room was like that. I cannot explain were this pressure came from, was it there from spiritualism? Or just there minds transmitting like telekinesis. There was about ten to twelve people in that room and every one of them came with the experience of what they believed, after meditation they were telling me things about people that were in the room and about myself. This was including dead people that were surrounding us.
I have tried my hardest to think from this point of view and I have a problem that there is no evidence its pure speculation. Even the things that have happened even the images I saw in my meditation, I saw things that were so provocative that, I wanted to make me believe! But this again don’t prove anything. Its purely me thinking, I can think of me flying through the sky or being in outer space it will not make it real. It just means its me thinking, it’s my imagination. It’s part of me making these things up. and this is the fundamental problem with Intelligent Design there is no proof. In the previous paragraph I list proofs but thats just the tip of what I can find out. I just don't have the time to go through it all. People of faith say there is proof they say that Intelligent Design is all around us, that how could things just be random? How could organs, complicated organ develop like the eye, how could something so complicated as the eye not be of design. The brain, how could something so durable like the heart be not of design. In-fact what was before the heart or brain? How did creatures live with out them. The answer is all around us now. There are creatures in our seas that have eyes far less developed than humans many creatures have small brains and still manage a successful existence.
 Through these creatures we can map our selves all the way back to the beginning. Professor Richard Dawkins says in his book The Selfish Gene, that we are just a vessel for the gene and it is the gene that keeps itself moving through evolution. We are more like a by product, if it could find a more efficient way then we would soon be no more, replaced by a more efficient carrier. 
After all said and done I’m afraid it leaves me where I started as a spectator of life of somebody that will not ever know what the answer is. I am, as you may guess from the writing swing towards the evolutionary path, I’m happy to be here to. I do believe that the evidence is stacked way against the Intelligent Design theory. There is no evidence that can be proved to support Intelligent Design no mater how far you look back. I could almost write a book on this subject itself as I feel quite strong about it. I just feel that it must come down to evidence and that evidence must be logical to bring about a logical outcome. Up to this day the evidence is not in favour of Intelligent Design it is in favour of Evolution. 
A lot of Intelligent Design believers don’t believe they are on the side of Intelligent Design, they kind of skip between the two and this bothers me because some people believe in a higher power that supports them and helps them though life, while at the same time believing in Evolution. Only picking elements that suits them, this is a contradiction in belief full stop, its wrong in my opinion. They should make a dissuasion on were there going to stand. If you believe in Evolution then by implication you cannot believe in any part of Intelligent Design. Evolution is what it is, it cannot be turned it to a bit of the other it has to be that, purely fact based on the evidence that we hold to date. Other wise it isn't Evolution. People do this probable for there own reasons maybe they feel a need it to support there life or more probable support with there death and the ever after. I am curious myself I cannot deny that I don’t like the idea of death. I have noticed that people who have lost someone close to them. Do seem to be more towards the atheist then the religions route. I think that because they have a vested interest in communicating with the dead and when there is no reply then then it deflates the argument. It always seems to be a distant relative that is contacted and not any one that can be verified. I suppose I should put my foot on one side of the fence its only fair after all the dispersions I’m making. At this point in my life what faith do I follow? Well I’m purely Evolutionist and I’m most definitely an Atheist in the simple sense of the word that I believe that there is no higher power. I believe that my life is my life and its up to me to make the best of that life. I should not be concentrating on the end of it right now being that I’m in the middle, I should be concentrating on my life and this is what I shall do from now on. Religion, spiritualism or what ever you want to go into, all seem to be a focus on the end of life. People all seem to be fixated with the hereafter and that in its self kind of means that if you live your life for your death then its kind of a waist of life, your not evolving as you should.
Please remember that this is all my personal opinion. 
Please leave a comment I would like your opinion on any thing.
Writer Steve Spreading the Steve Logic.

Sunday 9 January 2011

How do my characters right my book?

I am after all a writer (unpublished),  I say this because for some time I have felt that I do not write anything. Like the characters write themselves. I had an actual fight with one today, he wanted the story to go one way and I planned for it to go another. So what do I do? I don't expect an answer because I all ready know, I follow the character's wish after all it is his story.

I think its this that make's me want to keep pounding on these keys day after day. When I started to write this book I never expected, shall we say...side effect. I thought it would be me sweating over every word, planning every chapter, but no I just write what they say and what they want to do. I follow the story and get as excited by the plot turns the same as I would if I was reading it from another author. I have heard this before but never really believed it, I thought they are being modest or something. They are not, it truly happens, I give birth to the idea and carry it through puberty lets say. When they know what they are doing it's their game and I'm the spectator from that point on. I might change my mind as I still have many pages to write but this is my experience so far, if it changes then I will tell, I promise.
I would like to thank Mr. John Valley (lead character) and his associates for taking me on this ride and opening my eyes to their world. I have a big action scene to write tomorrow which is always exciting and a little hard with much going on. If you wish to comment or ask anything than please do.

Monday 3 January 2011

new year, new me... ye right!

Happy new year to all. As you might have figured by the picture, my van dyke days are now over.
My attention is now firmly fixed on two things, first my book I promised my self that I would finish the first draft by Christmas and failed miserably. So now I play catch up. To date I have completed seventy-two thousand words and I think their is at least thirty-thousand more before the finishing gate.
New year Resolutions
  • Resolution number one

One thousand words a day from this point on, I should by them numbers be finished by the beginning of February. Now I'm not a bad writer and never suffer from writers block, I average between fifteen hundred and two thousand words in a three hour sitting. I have scheduled 7pm-9pm every day with no disturbances from family members.
  • Resolution number two
I'm looking for a tattoo for my upper arm. I had one about three years ago but my brother did it and although I'm very grateful,  it needs going over. I like sculls, is this to Goth? After all I am no Goth and never will be. Adding to this I love roses, did I say I am no Goth, I'm starting to sound like one though. I will give you a full description of what I want then you can decide - A scull with a rose between it's teeth the stem curves round to the bottom beneath the chin where the words eternal love, then it curve's beneath again to the name Joanne then Matthew then James. Across the top of the scull a small chain of roses broken with the letters L.u.k.e. always with me.
All in shades of black with the rose petals in a red. Some White stars scattered round too. The names are my children and my wife. I was thinks of changing the scull for let's say an infinity symbol but it looks a bit lame and would not cover up the existing tattoo very well. Here is a picture of the existing tattoo.

The tattoo is from a program called Stargate, the symbol for a system lord or something. Don't ask why, I don't know. It looked good at the time. So now you can see why I'm questioning my judgement on this, my track record points to the scull might be a bad idea. By the way my kids keep drawing a little girls face on it, then a triangle body with stick arms and legs. Much fun I'm sure, but for a six foot two inch man a tattoo of a little girls face will do nothing for my rep, what rep I have that is.  If you read this post then please comment, or maybe let me know your resolutions.